

"On time" = puntualmente o "a tiempo". 
 Si por ejemplo tenemos una cita a las 4 de la tarde, y llegas exactamente a las 4 de la tarde, te puedo decir: "You are on time." Llegas a tiempo, a la hora señalada.
Ej: Please, be on time for the meeting
   (Por favor llega a tiempo a la reunión)

"In time"= "a tiempo para" o "con tiempo para" o lo suficientemente a tiempo para.
 No llegas exactamente a la hora, llegas un poco antes.
Ej:- I have send the letter last week, I hope it arrives in time.
    (He enviado la carta la última semana, espero que llegue a tiempo)
   She wants to get home in time to have dinner with her family.
  (Ella quiere llegar a casa a tiempo para comer con su familia)

1. Principio del formulario
The bus was late this morning but it is usually  …………………….
2. The film was supposed to start at 8.30 but it didn't begin
3. I like to get up
  ……………………..to have a big breakfast before going to work. 
4. We want to start the meeting
  ………………….., so please don't be late. 
5. The train service is not very good. The trains are rarely
6. I nearly missed my flight this morning. I got to the airport just
7. I nearly forgot that it was Joe's birthday. Fortunately I remembered
8. Why are you never
  …………………………? You always keep everybody waiting. 
9. I got home
  ………………………to see the football match 
Final del formulario

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