


Preguntas sobre ti (Questions about you)

·        Tell me about yourself?
·        How do/would your friends describe you?

·        What do you want me to know about you that isn’t on your résumé?

·        What’s the last non-school related book you read? What did you learn from this book?
·        What kinds of tasks and responsibilities motivate you the most?
·        Why should I hire you and not the next candidate who walks in the door?
·        Do you prefer to work with others or on your own?
·        What is your greatest strength? Weakness?


Preguntas sobre tus capacidades (Questions about your qualifications)

·        Why do you want to work here? Why should I hire you?
·        Do you have the skills to work in this position/company?
·        What specific skills have you acquired or used in previous jobs that related to this position?
·        Tell me about what you learned from your previous jobs and internships.
·        What did you like/dislike about your last job?
·        What is your biggest accomplishment?
·        Describe your leadership/communication/coordinating/etc style?

     Preguntas sobre tu formación (Questions about your education)

·        Why did you choose to study ___?
·        Describe the course that has had the greatest impact on your thinking.
·        What courses did you enjoy the most? Least?
·        Tell me about your extracurricular activities during school. What do you believe you have gained from these experiences?

  Preguntas sobre la empresa (Questions about your understanding of the    job/company)

·        What do you know about our company? Position?
·        Why did you apply to our organization?
·        What interests/impresses you about this organization?
·        What criteria are you using to evaluate the organization for which you hope to work?
·        What can you tell us about our company?
·        What do you think of our organizational structure?
·        Who else are you interviewing with? What do you think of those organizations?
·        Are you seeking employment in a company of a certain size? Why?
·        Do you have a geographic preference?

Otras preguntas (Other questions)

·        What are your salary expectations for this position?
·        Where do you see yourself in ___ years?



Sustantivos Derivados de los Verbos

To paint

El sufijo más habitual para formar un sustantivo derivado de un verbo es -er (solamente -r cuando el verbo termina en -e). 
El nuevo sustantivo derivado refiere a la persona que ejerce la acción expresada por el verbo:
to work, trabajar
worker, trabajador, obrero
to play, jugar
player, jugador
to paint, pintar
painter, pintor
to help, ayudar
helper, ayudante
to write, escribir
writer, escritor
to smoke, fumar
smoker, fumador
To read, leer
Reader, lector
To think, pensar
Thinker; pensador

Con el sufijo -ing (que forma el gerundio) se obtiene un sustantivo que expresa la acción y el efecto del verbo.
To Write (Escribir)          Writing (La escritura)
To Eat (Comer)          
       Eating (LaComida)
To Dance (Bailar)       
      Dancing (El baile)
To Learn(Aprender)         Learning (El aprendizaje)
To Read (Leer)                   Reading (La lectura)
To Think (Pensar)             Thinking (El pensar)

Por qué Aprender Inglés se hace difícil?

Por qué Aprender Inglés se hace difícil? Varias de las   personas que llegan a mis clases, vienen con una idea algo distorsionada de c...