
Expresiones de uso común en inglés

Expresiones de Uso Común

Always- Siempre
Never -Nunca
Hardly Ever- Casi Nunca
Hardly Anything- Casi nada
Sometimes -Algunas veces
Today -Hoy
Yesterday -Ayer
The day before yerterday -Antes de ayer
Tomorrow -Mañana
The Day after tomorrow-Pasado mañana
By the time -No más tarde d ela hora señalada
Often -A menudo
Maybe,Perhaps -Talvés
Probably -Probablemente
Ussualy -Generealmente
Few times -Pocas veces
Not anymore- Ya no más
Sure- Seguro
Frecuently- Fracuentemente
Although -Aunque
Already- Ya
Almost- Casi
A Lot -un monton, muchos
Thanks -Gracias (informal)
Thank you- Gracias (formal)
You welcome -De nada
It ‘s my pleasure- De nada( brit.)
Don’ worry -No te preocupes
I’m lost -Estoy perdido.
Some How- De algún modo
By the way -A propósito
Would you mind -Le importaría
Sorry to troubled you -Siento molestarlo
Nathing to do- Nada que ver
What are you talking about?- De qué estás hablando?
So therefore -Por lo tanto
Not Even- Ni siquiera
Don’t be long -No tardes
At last- Por fin
First of all- Primero que nada
In the first place -En primer lugar
From the first- Desde el principio
At first- Al principio
At the beginning- Al principio
Maybe- Talvés
Positive -seguro
When -Cuándo
Why -Por qué
Because- Porque
Who- Quié
Whose- De quién
How -Cómo
How Much - Cuánto
How Many -Cuantos


Comparatives and Superlatives en English

Comparatives and Superlatives

Irregular Adjetives: Son irregulares porque varián completamente al apsar a un grado mayor.

adjetive comparative superlative

good,well better best

bad, worse worst

little less least

small smaller smallest

much,many farther,further farthest, furthest

easy easier easiest

near nearer nearest

fast faster fastest

funny funnier funniest

  1. Short Adjetives: Se agrega a los adjetivos de una sílaba.

adjetive comparative superlative

high higger higgest

cheap cheapper cheapest

big bigger biggest

long longer longest

tall taller tallest

close closer closest

old older oldest

strong stronger strongest

warm warmer warmest

3.- Long Adjetives: Se usa more o most en adjetivos de 2 o más silabas.

adjetive comparative superlative

expensive more expensive most expensive

convenient more convenient most convenient

competitive more competitive most competitive

beautiful more beautiful most beautiful

  • ***Importante: Much se usa para hacer aún más fuerte el adjetivo comparativo.

Ej: -This house is much more expensive.

-You speak much better now.

  • Para los superlatives se agrega the very “.

Ej: Air France is the very best company I have ever worked for.

DO and DID



DEF : "Do" es verbo ( hacer) y también es un modo auxiliar que usamos en inglés y que no tiene traducción al español. Se utiliza para formar la interrogación (preguntas), la negación y también para las respuestas cortas. La forma auxiliar "do" nos indica que el verbo se conjuga en presente simple.




I go

I don't go

Do I go ?

You go

You don't go

Do you go ?

He goes

He doesn't go

Does he go ?

She goes

She doesn't go

Does she go ?

It goes

It doesn't go

Does it go ?

We go

We don't go

Do we go ?

You go

You don't go

Do you go ?

They go

They don't go

Do they go ?


I go to New York - Yo voy a New York

He goes to New York - El va a New York


I don't go to New York - Yo no voy a New York

He doesn't go to New York - El no va a New York


Do I go to New York ? - ¿Voy yo a New York ?

Does he go to New York ? - ¿Va él a New York ?


Este tiempo verbal utiliza el auxiliar DID (pasado del verbo to do) tanto para la forma negativa como para la interrogativa. La contracción negativa (o forma corta negativa) es DIDN'T (did not).

  • Did se usa para hacer preguntas en pasado.
  • Para responder negativamente en pasado




I went

I didn't go

Did I go ?

You went

You didn't go

Did you go ?

He went

He didn't go

Did he go ?

She went

She didn't go

Did she go ?

It went

It didn't go

Did it go ?

We went

We didn't go

Did we go ?

You went

You didn't go

Did you go ?

They went

They didn't go

Did they go ?

Ej: I didn't watched the last film on the tv!

To watch es webo regular por lo tanto al hacer la frase en pasado, usamos el didn't +watched.

En inglés tenemos para el pasado verbos regulares y verbos irregulares.

  • Los verbos regulares son los que conservan la misma raíz en todas sus formas y el pasado termina en “d”o “ed”. Ej: to teach (teached), to think (thinked), to look (looked)
  • Los verbos irregulares son aquellos en los que cambia la raíz y son distintos en pasado y participio.Ej: to think | thought | thought; to eat | ate | eaten

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